Staying The Course

This car brand is called Voyah. It’s the luxury division of Chinese state-owned automaker Dongfeng Motor Corporation. So what? Never heard of it?

Me neither, and there’s dozens and dozens more coming too.

Electric vehicles are in many ways the successor to smartphone brands. Toyota and Ford maybe the next Nokia and BlackBerry.

Where existing industries mature, new opportunities arise. Just because a brand has no fame or history doesn’t mean to say it can’t become one.

You see this is how industries, and business work. Jeff Bezos famously said he hopes Amazon can at least last a century and it would be a mark of success.

He even built a huge clock to honor this principle of longevity.

Things change faster than we think, all good things come to an end. As brands go, if you can stay the course, you will have done very well.

It’s also important to think about the long term as you’re building. The very best brands do this, especially in sectors like Luxury.

They didn’t chase e-commerce knowing full well it would harm their exclusivity and prestige.

What are you doing to ensure your business will thrive years down the line?


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