- Alex MacGregor
- Posts
- Pricing

My media database app, Media AI, will be the most affordable media database for PR & Social Media pros.
When thinking about pricing, my bottom line was this: it must be affordable to freelancers and startups.
Thus I arrived at this pricing:
- Plans will start from just $99 a month
- No contracts!
- Access both journalist and creator data for just $149 a month
- All plans: Immediate access, sort/filter/share
It's going to be the most affordable media database.
But we're working on even more AI features to help PR and Social Media pros.
Drop a reply and I'll add you to our beta testing group.
In return, you'll get free life-time access.
PS - Join beta testers in our Slack group: https://join.slack.com/t/worksxyz/shared_invite/zt-2n80aw2zm-Yp2I19nVnmUSO_5V9ifjpA