Modern Public Relations Means Going Direct

A ‘Burning Platform’

Modern Public Relations and Communications means going direct. Here's why.

The old PR strategy of relying on third parties with conflicting interests is outdated. Mainstream media, agencies, and distribution credibility have significantly declined.

Most of the world is now directly accessible via social media or email. There's no longer a need to go through traditional gatekeepers of information and reputation.

Communication norms have not kept pace with this change. Old habits remain entrenched: prioritizing traditional media over social media, chasing clicks instead of building communities and avoiding risks by recycling old tactics.

“Corporate communications” has become an oxymoron, as nothing meaningful can be conveyed by a faceless committee. Press releases often sound like they were crafted by an AI robot or worse, middle managers, which they are.

Their primary purpose seems to be avoiding controversy and protecting the future job prospects of those managers. The resulting stories are bland and generic, with passion diluted to nothing.

Traditional communication methods are now anachronistic at best and, at worst, a waste of time and resources.

Going direct means crafting and telling your story without being dependent on intermediaries.

Build your own platform, build your own audience, and build your own narrative.

What’s your take on the state of PR? Feel free to leave a comment.


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