I've Started a PR Skool

I've been thinking a lot about the state of Public Relations and how I can help PR pros, whether veterans or new to the field.

That led me to the question of starting a dedicated community for PR professionals...so I did.

As the media landscape changes, we're seeing more and more former Journalists on X switch to PR, for better or worse. These folks bring outstanding writing and storytelling skills, among others; however, they often need help getting up to speed.

Meanwhile, existing PR pros have fewer journalists to pitch, and AI's emergence disrupts how they create and distribute content. The losers are the traditional gatekeepers, from newswires to agencies to media outlets they used to rely on.

The future of PR is increasingly digital and direct, disrupting old PR practices and bypassing previous methods.

More big changes are coming in the industry, with AI meaning many new opportunities to communicate and engage will emerge.

I've created 'Public Relations' as a new Skool group for PR folks, whether new to it or veterans, to discuss, learn, and share as our industry evolves.

If you know little about PR or want to learn, follow these guys or reply with some other PR's you recommend.

Watch the vid above or join the group below; I look forward to talking more about PR with anyone who's interested:



or to participate.