Control is an Illusion

Control is an illusion, and a crisis is always around the corner.

You have to learn to deal with them. Especially in business.

Here's tips from a PR perspective:

1) Assessing the situation

Is it a crisis?

Align ahead of time on what you consider a true crisis.

- Disrupts the ability to continue normal business operations
- Seriously jeopardizes trust with customers
- Materially affects finances and/or valuation

2) Engaging - yes or no?

After deciding whether to fix the problem, priorities are key.

- People: keep the team safe and informed.
- Accuracy: you must be the single source for accurate and timely information.
- Speed: move quickly and provide regular updates to the people who

3) Immediate actions

Take the necessary actions.

- Make a 'break-the-glass' checklist of actions.
- Assemble your war room.
- Notify everyone.

4) Messaging guidelines

Write/discuss with the stakeholders.

- In any crisis, people need to hear from you as quickly as possible about:
- What happened and why/how
- What the company is doing about it now

5) Tactical execution/post-mortem

Problem solved?

Start future scenario planning.

Be prepared with basic plans for the most likely future scenarios.


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